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South Korea is a country with a vibrant culture, including a rich history and a multitude of cultural contributions to film, food, music, and more. The Korea Tourism Organization Los Angeles aims to promote Korea as a leading travel destination to the American public and introduce the many experiences that Korea has to offer to tourists. 
As part of a combined effort to promote Korea as a travel destination and to celebrate Asian culture in America, we implemented a hybrid campaign encompassing both virtual social marketing and physical ground activation. 


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Hosting an Instagram giveaway, we chose 200 winners to receive a special “K-Film Box” and attend a drive-in screening of the Oscar award-winning film Minari at the Paramount  Movie Theater. The K-Film Box allowed
winners to experience Korean culture
through food, snacks, and much more.

The Unbox Your Korea campaign was able to garner a reach of over 16.5 Million, and 250,000 posts, stories, and shares across multiple social channels with high engagement. 

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